Sunday, March 11, 2012

NEWS RELEASE: Halifax Streetcar Conglomerate congratulates HRM, ATU on deal

As Halifax's transit strike approaches its end, 'renegade' streetcar operator postpones beginning.

The Halifax Streetcar Conglomerate announced late Sunday that it would delay its introduction of light-rail transit on Monday in order to allow an orderly resumption of service by Metro Transit.

"I congratulate the Amalgamated Transit Union local 508 for its tenacity in dealing with Metro transit," said HSC CEO Gord McCord after both battling parties endorsed a tentative agreement reached after a five-week strike. "As a businessman with an appreciation of the cost of labour, I also congratulate management at HRM for its efforts to contain costs."

Given the sudden turn in conditions facing Halifax commuters this week, the HSC has decided to postpone Monday's introduction of streetcar service on routes 7, 20 and 80.

"At such a sensitive time, with ratification by labour and politicians just hours away, this is obviously not a prudent time to offer citizens a new transit modality that could disrupt the delicate balance that's been reached," said HSC Manager of Rolling Stock, T. Richard Astley.

"So, for now, we will focus our efforts on beginning discussions with Metro Transit or other interested parties about how we can integrate bus and streetcar service side-by-side or in some other complementary manner," said Astley. "We're not giving you up, and we're sorry if we've let you down. But please don't conclude that we've run around and deserted you. As I said previously, we will not do that. We're on rails."

This delay in launch plans could end up meaning more service will be available at a future launch date, as more track is finalized and more of Toronto's surplus 'Red Rocket' CLRV trams arrive and are refurbished.

"The dream is still alive, Halifax," said CEO McCord. "Steel wheels will roll again in this city. If not this Monday, then some Monday in the future."

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For further information, please contact:

T. Richard Astley
Manager, Rolling Stock, HSC

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